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MixMoose Playlist Studio for Spotify is the most advanced, 100% free tool for editing, analyzing and generating playlists.
Editor with dark theme
Extraordinary Editor
  • Analyze, filter, sort and visualize playlists along 20+ track features.
  • Flowify can auto-arrange your tracks based on a curve you design.
  • Get recommendations directly from your playlist's tracks.
  • See statistical breakdowns by artist, genre, label, and feature.
  • Customize your playlist's image with MixMoose's cover designer.
Generator with light theme
Genius Generator
  • Generate dynamic playlists with up to 100 tracks.
  • Use Genres, artists, tracks and other playlists as generator sources.
  • Exclude artists and tracks you don't want on your playlist.
  • Use 9 tracks features to focus the feeling of your generated playlist.
  • Restrict tracks by release year and explicit lyrics.
Who is MixMoose for?
Creative Curators

Playlist Curators trust MixMoose to keep their playlists fresh. They can quickly sort and filter their playlists to see which tracks are the oldest or having waning popularity. They can also use statistic tables to make sure they haven’t gotten to heavy with the same artist, or drifted too far afield with certain genres.

Diligent DJs

DJs can use MixMoose to plan sets. Beyond Tempo and Key, they can use other track features to find which tracks best flow together. Need to find the latest tracks? Use the generator and restrict results to the current year.

Fitness Fanatics

Runners and fitness instructors can use the Flowify feature to specify the tempo and energy of their playlist to corresponds with important peaks in their routines. They can also use track filters to quickly find tracks that might not have the energy they need.

Mixtape Magicians

MixMoose can be a fantastic tool for finding new music. Use the generator to find some real dance classics, electric country, or even make a depressing children's playlist. Then in the Editor, use Track Recommendations to find that perfect missing song.

Want to learn more?